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Eequ Child Learner Privacy Explainer
Eequ Child Learner Privacy Explainer
Avida Hancock avatar
Written by Avida Hancock
Updated over 5 months ago

Data Privacy Information explained for a young person.

Our company is called Eequ Limited. We provide the Eequ service used by your parents or guardian to find and book learning and play activities. We love to provide everyone with more education choices.

We wrote this explainer because we want you to understand what we do with any information about you on our website.

First, let’s talk about the word ‘data’.

  • Data means ‘stuff’. It could be a number or a letter or a mark of any kind.

  • When you put that stuff together in a way that makes sense it becomes information.

  • For example 12 means nothing on a blank piece of paper but if I say “12” is Sam’s age, that data becomes information.

  • If we keep a record that ‘Sam is 12 years old’ we are keeping personal data about Sam

  • There are laws to make sure that if a company stores personal data, it is a reasonable thing to do and that you are ok with it.

We have a Privacy Policy which is designed for adults but we wanted to write down the main points in simple language and we hope it is helpful.

If you still have any questions, please speak to a parent or guardian. You can also ask them to contact me on and arrange a chat for you to discuss anything at all about Eequ. My name is Avida. I am the founder and I am also responsible for looking after your personal information.

Why do you store information about me?

The main reasons we store your information are:

  • To help your parents or guardian arrange learning or play activities.

  • To keep a record of your learning based on the activities your parent or guardian books for you on Eequ.

  • To show you and your parents the mentors (teachers) or activities that might interest you.

What kind of information do you keep about me?

In order to arrange bookings we mainly store your name, address and age. Sometimes your parent or guardian makes a note about health such as an allergy or the way you like to learn. This kind of information about you is treated as being particularly personal. This is only ever shown to the mentor you book with.

To keep a record and to suggest other learning we store which activities have been booked for you and any perhaps how you got on, if your mentor sends a report. No-one else can see this record - only you and your family.

Who do you share my information with?

We only share your information with your parents and the mentors booked for you. It is possible that some people that work for Eequ may see your information too as they work to provide the service.

It is really important for you to know that we don’t and never will share your information with anyone else. Some companies, like Facebook and Instagram, make money by selling your information to advertisers. We don’t do that and never will.

How long will you keep my information?

We keep different bits of information for different periods of time. We make it easy for you to update your information at any time. If you want to know more, send us an email to

Where do we get your information from?

If we did not get your information from your parent or guardian, it will have been provided by a mentor.

What are my rights?

Because it is your information, you are able to ask a number of questions about how we handle and use it as well as ask for it not to be used. These questions are listed below and you may wish to discuss these with an adult so that you understand them fully.

  • You have the right to ask for information about how your information is recorded and used, and you can also ask for a copy of the information that we hold.

Note: You can see all the information stored about you in your dashboard.

  • You have the right to ask that anything incorrect in your information is corrected quickly.

  • You have the right to ask that any incomplete information is completed.

  • You have the right to ask that your information is erased if there is no longer any reason for it to be held by us.

  • You may have the right in certain circumstances (for example, where you do not think the information held is accurate) to ask for the use of your information to be limited.

  • You have the right to say that you do not want your information used for marketing purposes.

  • You have the right to say that you do not want your information to be handled or recorded.

How can I complain?

If you are worried about how we are using your information, you can speak to me personally. My name is Avida, I am the Data Protection Officer. I am always checking to make sure we are following the law and looking after your personal information correctly.

If you are still unhappy about how your information is held or used, you can complain about this. There is a special organisation which deals with these complaints called the Information Commissioner’s Office.

They can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone: 0303 123 1113

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