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Code of Conduct: Mentors
Avida Hancock avatar
Written by Avida Hancock
Updated over 5 months ago

Most of these guidelines apply to all mentors, but all are particularly pertinent to those teaching children. All adults should be aware that they are role models for children.


  • Ensure speech, actions, activities, influences and expectations are age appropriate.

  • Be ready to start and conclude promptly.

  • Be prepared with all your equipment and supplies. Plan well structured experiences.

  • Tell learners/parents of changes to plan, timings and cancellations in good time.

  • Make sure you have confirmation that parents/learners have received the communication.

  • Be contactable by the parents during the experience.

  • Tell parents promptly if you experience learning or behavioural challenges.

  • Talk about parents in a respectful and supportive way.

  • Keep your experience free from verbal or physical aggression.

  • Manage behaviour according to the code of conduct you have established with the parents. Inform parents of any incident with the timeliness appropriate to this incident.

  • Ensure learning experience environments are free from smoking, taking illegal drugs or the consumption of alcohol.

  • Have all your safety certificates, risk assessments and other details easily accessible as new parents arrive so they can inspect them easily and ask questions if necessary.

  • Treat learners with respect and empathy.

​Platform Ethics

This is your platform. We are developing and growing its value rapidly so that parents, learners and mentors can be part of a new education system. This system minimises rules so that each person can have more freedom to teach and learn.

We invite feedback from the platform community so that we can keep improving and creating value. We think deeply about the pedagogical basis for our frameworks and believe that together we can reimagine education.

We are committed to an education that helps children become free, resilient, creative human beings who lead lives of purpose and direction.

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