Follow these simple steps to log in:
Step 1: Login on Eequ
Choose Email to login
Step 2: Enter Your Email
Enter your email address and click "CONTINUE"
Step 3: Check Your Email
Open your inbox
You’ll receive an email with your Secure link within a few seconds.
If you don’t see it in your inbox, check your spam or junk folder.
Step 4: Click the Secure Link
Open the email from Eequ 'Securely log in to Eequ' and click "LOG IN TO EEQU"
This will securely authenticate you and log you into your account.
Step 5: You’re In!
The link will redirect you back to Eequ.
Troubleshooting & FAQs
I didn’t receive the Secure Link email. What should I do?
Double-check that you entered the correct email address.
Check your spam or junk folder.
If you still don’t see it, try resending the login link or wait a few minutes.
Contact support if none of the options work by going to MENU > MESSAGE SUPPORT
My Secure Link isn’t working. What now?
Ensure you’re clicking the link from the same device you used to request it.
Secure Links expire after a short time for security reasons - try requesting a new one by selecting the 'resend login link'
Can I still use my password to log in?
No, our new login process replaces passwords with Secure Links for better security.
If you have any issues or need further assistance, feel free to contact our support team (MENU > MESSAGE SUPPORT).