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Getting ready for a new HAF delivery
Getting ready for a new HAF delivery
Avida Hancock avatar
Written by Avida Hancock
Updated over 5 months ago

If you have already run a HAF delivery using Eequ and want to get ready for the next holiday season, this article is for you. Learn how to:

  • Add new dates

  • Check your settings

  • Schedule when to open for bookings

TIP: Don't create or duplicate your listing if the activity is the same. Simply add new dates to the existing listing. πŸ“†

Decide whether to create a new listing or to simply add new dates

Most providers offer similar holiday activities during each delivery. There is no need to create a new listing. They use a generic title such as Woodland Adventurers Holiday Club. They don't put Easter, Summer or Christmas in the title - this is added as a Block name.

Check the table below to help you decide:

The activities are very similar to the last delivery and the location is the same ➑️

Use the current listing & add new dates

The activities are very different or the location is different ➑️

Create a new listing

OPTION 1 - Add new dates

Go to Menu

Select all the dates you will be offering sessions and apply the correct start and finish times.

Schedule your dates until bookings open for HAF

Your Council will tell you when bookings open for each delivery. Councils normally want to 'go live' on the same day to ensure fairness across all the programmes.

You can schedule when to start accepting bookings and until that time people can 'Register their interest'.

Name your Block

Lastly, add a useful name to the block:

Option 2 - Create a new listing

If you want to create a brand new listings for an activity that you have never delivered before, use our handy onboarding flow to help you build it up step by step.

If your new listing is similar to a previous listing and you want to use this as a template, you can duplicate the listing by going to My Listings > Manage Listing > Duplicate

How to edit details after duplicating

You now have a 'copy of' and can quickly edit the details. Remember to:

  • Change the title

  • Edit the description

  • Change the cover image

  • Check the group size

Adding a HAF ticket

Adding the HAF ticket is the magic πŸ’« touch to ensure your data is sent to your Council.

Be sure to select HAF as the ticket type and the correct Council.

Watch this 2-minute video to see how easy it is:

Schedule your dates until bookings open for HAF

Your Council will tell you when bookings open for each delivery. Councils normally want to 'go live' on the same day to ensure fairness across all the programmes.

You can schedule when to start accepting bookings and until that time people can 'Register their interest'.

Any questions? Why not book a quick one-to-one session with our friendly support team:

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