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Booking FAQs
Avida Hancock avatar
Written by Avida Hancock
Updated over 5 months ago

How do I book?

Click on any listing and chose the dates that suit you. You'll be taken step by step through the payment flow. For a tutorial on this, click here.

How do I know how much it costs?

The cost of each block of dates is clearly displayed on the listing's 'Dates' page. This is the cost per person. If you book for more than one person you will see the total at checkout. Concessions may also be offered.

Can I contact the mentor to find out more about an activity?

Yes. Please use the 'Message Mentor' button on the experience page.

Can my child book their own activities?

Not at the moment. We’re working on how to give older children more advanced settings where you can set different permissions.

If an activity has a minimum group size, how/when will I know it is definitely going ahead?

Your mentor will confirm this. You will receive an email as well as message notification on the website.
If you visit the Bookings page in the left hand navigation menu, you will see the experiences you have booked and their booking and payment status.

Can I pay the mentor in cash?

No. All bookings and payments should be made through the platform. We make payments to the mentor weekly for all the sessions that have been completed each week.

Why do I have to pay in advance?

Great mentors require a commitment in advance. They need to plan and think about resources and venues.

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