We'd love you to be a part of our community, and it's free and easy to join 🙌
All you need to do is click Join for free on the Eequ homepage. Choose whether you want to create an account using Google, Microsoft, or email. Then use the Secure Link to login.
Once you’re in, click 'Profiles' in the left-hand navigation menu under the 'Account' dropdown. Add a profile photo and fill in your information. Don’t forget to add a strapline and a few sentences to describe yourself - it really helps everyone to feel connected 🤝
You should then add your payout details in the Bank Details page - also found under 'Account'. This means that you can be paid for your sessions. You won't be able to publish a listing before doing so.
Once you've signed up and added your information, you can browse the site for inspiration, or go straight ahead and create your first listing. (For a full tutorial on how to do this, click here.)
Remember, you can always ping us a message using the intercom chatbot if you run into any problems.
Why do I have to provide personal details?
We only collect essential information that will help us to meet your needs and solve your problems. Don't worry! We never sell information to third parties.