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How to hide a session
Avida Hancock avatar
Written by Avida Hancock
Updated over 2 months ago

There are lots of scenarios where you may want to hide a session, for example:

  • You want to prevent anyone booking too close to the session start time.

  • You want to fill up on certain sessions first and release dates as your numbers increase.

  • You may have cancelled a session due to unforeseen circumstances and want to prevent it from being booked, whilst keeping the rest of the block of sessions in place.

  • You may have a lower staff ratio on one day and want to keep the existing bookings but prevent new ones.

Whatever the reason, you can hide a session very easily. Simply go to:

> Manage Listings

> DATES tab

Here you will see a little eye icon next to each date. Click the eye to hide that session.

Hiding a session works exactly the same as if you 'deleted' the session but with the advantage of being able to see what you have done and allowing you to restore it if necessary.

Contact or Book a Support Call if you have any questions or need help managing your listing.

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